Why the Video Sharing Hype?

Video sharing is one of the most popular activities online, it’s the process of uploading, publishing, and sharing video clips via the internet. Videos are commonly shared through video sharing sites such as YouTube and Vimeo, they allow people to upload and share their video clips with the public.

Why use video sharing when marketing? Video sharing has many benefits when it comes to marketing such creating stronger consumer attention and helping improve search engine optimization. When a brand creates a video it creates connections with consumers, it’s well known that people find trust easier in a face rather than through a text post.

I came across an informative video about the video marketing trends of 2016. It was filmed and published on YouTube by 90 Seconds. The video sums up the benefits of using video sharing in marketing. I suggest giving it a watch, after all it is only 90 Seconds.

Growing up there was one ad that always stuck out to me, “House Hippo” was created by Concerned Children’s Advertisers of Canada. Even though the video was created well before video sharing was popular it still is talked about by many Canadians. It maintains a good message while still being cute, which earns a 5 out of 5 in my books.